How do you make a climbing frame safe?

Safety Tips for Your Climbing Frame

A climbing frame is a fantastic way to provide children with the chance to explore and develop their upper body strength through play.

All good climbing frames will come with some kind of safety features, such as hand/foot holds and safety nets.

However, there are still many different ways that parents can make sure that their own climbing frame stays safe for their children even after hours of play.

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The easiest way to make your climbing frame safer is through the addition of safety nets. These are meshes that fit underneath or at the side of a climbing frame, catching children who fall off while still giving them space to climb and explore.

Nets are particularly useful on higher climbing walls where it’s more difficult for kids to jump off, and can also help to prevent injuries if a child climbs too high and falls.

You may also wish to invest in some padding for the climbing frame itself. This will protect your children from injury if they fall onto the bars or slides (which become like spears when you’re small), as well as protecting it against damage from being climbed on.

In any case, if you’re making a climbing frame at home or have one bought for your children, you should always ensure that it has been adequately safety tested.

If the climbing frame is a commercial model for a playground, make sure to hire a reputable landscaping firm to build your structure and install it safely in the ground.

You can’t trust this to amateurs who may not know the risks of certain types of climbing frame, or how to incorporate safety measures into their designs.

Remember too that any public climbing frame needs routine care and maintenance, or it won’t last very long before you need to replace it.